Torched focuses on Ulrik (complicated thy name is….), former King of the Silvers. His voice is woven throughout each Dark Kings novel. Even at his most wicked, the reader always came away with some kernel of hope that the silver dragon had not gone too far for redemption.

I remember glancing at a book by Grant, realizing it was not the first in the series, checking out her website, then allowing myself a moment of silence. The hoarded cache of books by this author could make a grown woman weep (almost weep – but mainly smile in deep satisfaction😊). Not only is Donna Grant a prolific writer – but an exceptionally fine one! *****Warning: these books are addictive.

A style of writing I really enjoy is when an author focuses on two main characters, but all the players from past and future books are included, not just a sentence or two but an actual chapter here and there. (Similar to how J.R. Ward writes her Black Dagger Brotherhood series) For me, this type of approach keeps me more involved in the whole world the author is trying to create. The two mains are important, but not EVERYTHING – each character’s thoughts and motives effects each book.

I felt like TorchedĀ was written slightly different than past offerings in this series. There is usually a bit more shifting through characters, other than the two main’s, (especially Rhi’s story😊) not that there wasn’t some, just not as much. I admit to missing dipping into a few more storylines. By the end of the book, it finally dawned on me that perhaps Grant knew that Ulrik’s story (so pivotal to Con’s as well) needed maximum coverage – no stage sharer is Ulrik!

Torched is the 13th book in Donna Grant’s Dark Kings series (but please go to my Top Pick page to get an accurate reading order – there are several novellas – plus you’ll want to read her Dark Sword, Dark Warriors, and Reaper series!)

If you enjoyed my review and plan on purchasing Torched, please help support my site and click on the link below to order! I have other titles by Donna Grant on my Top Picks page!