Do I love the Reaper series? Absolutely! Did Donna Grant pull another winner out of her collective hive of dark and death – yessssss♥ But first…who the ever-loving-feck (thank you Irish curse words that sound so quaint) is Rhi’s DK??? Everyone and I mean everyone (excepting my husband who doesn’t have a clue what I am going on about – we are I’m still working on boundaries vs. relationship goals) wants to know (someone knows – spoil it for me please). Enough of this bolloxology – let’s get to Dark Alpha’s Hunger!
Disappointments: Not enough Rhi; No King pop-ins (come on, you wanted them too!!) Other than that, it is a Donna Grant novel…satisfaction guaranteed. Learning about the second Reaper cadre was a perfect fit for Eoghan and Thea’s story. I assumed it would be Cael to find his bestie in the other realm but Thea is obvi not your typical halfling! Her sweet, brown eyes ended Eoghan’s vow of silence fairly quickly as well😊
I’ve always felt the kinship guidelines that make up the Reapers and the Kings fall under the same standards of honor and loyalty. I wonder if it is easier to work together for the Kings because they all are…well, Kings of their dragons, whereas the Reapers are a mix of Dark and Light – though all, I suppose, have tasted betrayal, which would help cement their bond. Thea’s attachment with music struck a lovely chord with me. My youngest daughter is very musical and there are times she just gets up and says she feels like playing – I love the real passion that Grant instills in her characters – you want to get to know them – you cheer for their successes and boo all those who stand in the way. It’s why Donna Grant is in my Top Picks category!! Once you start down one of this author’s series there is just no shutting off the connection…
Dark Alpha’s Hunger definitely satisfies Reaper cravings. I hope you enjoyed this review! If you haven’t already started this series but wish to begin, the link to this book is below, but all the links to the series are listed in Top Picks! Thanks for helping to support my site by using the links I provide!! Come back and see me again. Comments are always welcome♥