I was finally able to read the third book in Emily R. King’s The Hundredth Queen series, The Rogue Queen! As expected after the first two books – it was Fantastic♥ If you have already read The Hundredth Queen and The Fire Queen then you know the epic, saga adventure you’re unleashing upon yourself – if you haven’t (and…you must) then consider this series (kinda-sorta) a cross between Tahir’s An Ember in the Ashes series and Maas’s Throne of Glass series (how stoked are you now?).

Beginning here I’d like to whine and cry (basically a spoiler page) about all the things I mentally screamed while reading Rogue…I won’t (with any details)…but I soooo want to. I will give you a small glimpse of Kris’s brainscape (think mentally sputtering incomplete sentences and thoughts).

1. Wait! Kali…no! Wth… (the h is for heck – just in case toddlers decide Whiskey & Wit is the new black) (in actuality, Wth is not quite accurate)
2. Why did you not explain __________ (add any MC’s name here)?
3. Don’t walk away – Do NOT walk away
4. No way – not again…
5. Deven – Use your words!
6. Ashwin – Man up FTLOG!
7. Kali! Don’t’ Touch! Don’t Touch! DO NOT TOUCH! (I bet you wish you knew 😊)

And on and on it will go! This series is intense – Warning: No lulls will be found… I thought I knew how the third book would progress – I did not – sooooo wrong – very wrong. Now of course, I kind of (sort of) know how The Warrior Queen (book 4) will play out. Should we take bets (note to self – you don’t win at board games (ever), you couldn’t even foresee how a Little House on the Prairie episode would end).

I can not wait to read the last book in the series if for no other reason than Kalinda (I Hope) finds peace. I should also mention that I am equally excited to learn that King has a new series coming out next year, The Evermore Chronicles! If you would like to help support my site and want or order The Rogue Queen or preorder Before the Broken Star please use the links below. I appreciate everyone who reads my reviews! Please come back and visit! Also, I have added King’s new series to my New Releases calendar.