Jay Gatsby, Daisey Buchanan, and Tom Buchanan
Gale Hawthorne, Katniss Everdeen, and Peeta Mellark
Ashley Wilkes, Scarlett O’Hara, and Rhett Butler
Edward Cullen, Bella Swan, and Jacob Black
Eric Northman, Sookie Stackhouse, and Bill Compton
Blane McDonough, Andie Walsh, and Duckie Dale
Charles Darney Lucie Manette, and Sidney Carton
May Welland, Newland Archer, and Ellen Olenska
Sir Clifford Chatterley, Lady Constance Chatterley, and Oliver Mellors
Soooooo, yeah… I’m almost positive I haven’t given anything away here, I mean, everyone does enjoy an intense love triangle – so that list is just for fun – nothing at all to do with Vampires Like it Hot…
Raffaele Notte and Jess and ♥Δ♥Δ♥ are great fun to follow around sweltering Punta Cana. You will adore Raff’s cousins, Zanipolo and Santo! With main and supporting characters so delicious you can’t stop reading – this is a book that just keeps giving! One of the most moving scenes, and when you read it I think you’ll agree, is when Jess discusses some of her heart-wrenching childhood, how it shaped her, and ultimately how she was able to overcome it, and most importantly, be stronger because of it – Santo’s reaction, and the possibility that Jess’s story in any way helped him, just takes the whole moment to another level.
Vampires Like it Hot veered away from what I have become accustomed to with the Argeneau novels. There was no huge special-ops Immortal mission, no murder, and very little mayhem – that being said – I love it! Lynsay Sands just threw down book #28 and she is still singeing the printing presses!
I can’t wait to see what everyone thinks of Raff and Jess’s and ♥Δ♥Δ♥ story. If you still need to get your copy I placed the link below. Thank you for coming to visit.