Can I send virtual hugs and kisses to Shannon Mayer for sprinkling some Desert Cursed love into Caravan Witch?! Chapter 14 mentions a Shakespearian quoting, acid-spewing dragon and we catch a glimpse of a flouncing satyr – definitely smile-worthy. As we continue on Pamela’s journey of unfortunate events – we now have one more bonus to add to this already great story… Alex! This is where I should mention a book trend for 2018, and seriously, it should have its own genre, the love triangle. What’s a gal to do? Poor Pamela has two men in her life that both want her – who will she choose?? I’m not a seer or a matchmaker, but I absolutely, 100% know, who Pam should pick (I’m not telling🤐 unless someone comments and asks – then I’ll totally spill). I won’t go into any detail here, but Pam’s father detonated a bomb during one of their chats – and it’s BIG!
*Note – most gag-worthy moment in the book (not even rotting Zombie bits in hair tops this one) – try Silence of the Lambs ogre edition… Yeah… it happened.
Wish list for some of the characters – Someone to bitch slap Chris (most unthankful award goes to….). Alex is an Alpha now – he needs to be more Alpha (is there a testosterone inoculation station anywhere?). I would appreciate a large crevice ripping open and swallowing Jasmine whole – or losing her ability to speak. Richard not being a doormat to Chris. Pamela would stop being Humpty and get off the damn fence (I.e. no more triangle angst).
Questing Witch is Pamela’s sojourn of trials – it isn’t over yet and by the end of Caravan Witch, I think you’ll agree, Pam’s life lessons are ramping up. I can not wait for the third book – Maze Witch! Order your copy now – the link is below. Also, if you want notified when I post a new review please use the Subscribe Now option at the bottom of the page. Thank you for stopping by!