Warning – Burning Wild will make you cry – and I don’t mean your eyes might twitch where blinking rapidly will make things acceptable – I mean cry (depending on your history of blubbering, it may mean ugly crying so read this indoors). I hope there is no person that can read such a graphic, appalling account of child abuse and not crumble. Christine Feehan never backs down from the ugly side of life and her Leopard series did not escape human brutality either.
Jake is impossible not to admire – his ruthlessness and cold determination have meant his survival and he can no more lay these attributes aside than a living being could choose to forego oxygen. His commitment to taking down his enemies is admiral, however, I don’t think he and his leopard half ran a thorough enough risk analysis on acquiring Emma as perhaps he should have. Awe, life lessons – they can be our downfall… or our salvation… I should note here that I assumed the rainforest would be ground zero for this series and I was surprised (and pleased) to find myself enjoying a Texas ranch instead – ya just can’t outguess an author like Feehan!
*Note – yes, I am totally loving this series! It is (of course) well written and the storylines and characters are all mesmerizing – BUT – I won’t start wearing leopard print… Sorry, it’s a hard no.
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