Nova Force Series – A mind-bending, futuristic, Humans and Aliens (good, bad, and totally scary), military ops, floor dropping amusement ride.

Things I’d like to do after reading Gareth: Drink Hyperdrive (sounds like whiskey on steroids – I’m in), battle partner with Exarch Tal-Amun, meet the elves who almost slayed the Zaecady into extinction, daydream (just a smidge) more detail into Evie and Gareth’s clone night (when you read Gareth, and you will, I expect adequate (full disclosure) discussions on the author’s group page) (no spoilers here, but… Oh. My. God.), go on a quest in the Realm of Spellbound, ask Evie who her favorite crew member is on the Silver Gryphon (besides Ranulf – and why didn’t she name her ship something like Red Dragon or Crimson Clipper), reconfirm my commitment to speak with Thandie about… things, and have a one-on-one with Team Savage about how in the hell they come up with such epic storylines.

I’ve read quite a few novels by this author and there is so much to love. Each series is dynamically varying – the characters are strong, diverse, and grab you. The storylines are fantastical yet focused. I admit Nova Force is mesmerizing to me because of its heavy sci-fi, military feel. I read everything, and I read hundreds of authors, but Vivienne Savage is one I keep coming back to. Who doesn’t enjoy knowing that they’re going to get quality and surprise EVERYtime?

As to this third installment – come on, after reading Kaiden, who didn’t know Evie was going to break #fangirl records? Interestingly, Evie is a few years older than the average female lead – hallelujah, let the angels sing (hey! I love all ages, but sometimes it’s nice to know that in the literary world, getting older isn’t all walkers and whiskers)! Like me, I’m sure you wondered how a wanted merc and an officer could possibly mingle after single – well… I will divulge that there are innumerable twists and explosions before any happy endings may (or may not) transpire.

*Note 1 – I don’t know which half of Vivienne Savage writes the majority of the sex scenes for Nova Force – but – I salute you.
*Note 2 – Do not eat ANYTHING when you read Chapter 22 – you’ve been warned.

If you haven’t started this series yet, no worries, I’m providing links to all three books below (Gareth releases November 16!). Plus, at the end of Gareth, you’ll learn that 2019 will bring us three more Nova Force installments and who they feature (If you want to learn who the mains will be you’ll just have to buy the book and find out 😉)! As always, thank you for stopping in. If you would like to receive emails when I post new reviews, Subscribe Now!

Many thanks to the Savage Team for placing me on the ARC list so that I got to review this book before its release!🖤🖤🖤