Leopard’s Prey, the 6th Leopard novel is SICK (and I’m not even talking about the excruciating murder scene gag fests (picture true crimes, serial killer nightmares)! I mean, sick enough you won’t be able to keep your eyes off it, just dark enough to give you chills, and just animalistic enough to put you on the wrong side of comfortable.

*Note – Book 5, Savage Nature, is still my 2nd fave in the series (I think… I’m fickle) (my fave is Jake’s story in Burning Wild… for now). It made me wish Feehan would keep us right there in the swamp… and what do you know… she did! Readers get to enjoy round two with the New Orleans lair (does anyone hear angel’s singing?)!

As Drake works on stabilizing the lair, a psycho murderer is killing again and the swamp is his new playground. Bonus – we get to see Remy do what he does best – catch killers. Side note – if you are expecting the oldest Boudreaux brother to resemble a Jessica Fletcher Murder, She Wrote episode – so not happening – think Kevin Bacon in The Following instead. Remy’s discipline does slip markedly when Saria’s gal pal moves back to town… hmmm… 🤐

Yes, this is a Leopard shifter novel – yes, it has all the necessary parts – yes, books 5 & 6 are just a little extra – extra special and bloody 🙃

*Note – The five reasons I listed to read Savage Nature hold true for Leopard’s Prey: Remy, Dash, Mahieu, Gage, Lojos.

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