Someone to Trust is a love story – a real love story. Yes, I am very aware the Westcott novels are, indeed, all love stories – but Colin and Elizabeth… it isn’t… typical. It is a garden in bloom after winter’s frost, the barest glide of fingertips, finding one another and slowly falling away, it is the words not spoken… a vibrant silence, possession without possessiveness, and it is a staid waltz that blinds in its brightness.

Everything about this latest Westcott installment called to me – although I admit (and it is an embarrassing admission) I had my doubts about the younger man-older woman love story. I hadn’t realized how antiquated my thinking on age and gender was. My normal thinking, “Oh, the man is only nine years older – perfect, he’s older and wiser!” What goes through my mind when a woman is nine years older… hmm… preconceived notions begin to flash through my brain like microfilm clicks – fine lines, crow’s feet, emotional baggage, cellulite, laugh lines, not quite as tight and right as a twenty year old, what young, handsome man could possibly stay happy with an older woman – the new will wear off and he’ll want a younger version… finally, I was like Holy Cow! These ingrained insecurities even color how I view fictional characters – #911TherapyNow, please!

I could not bring myself to accept that a woman, described so non-gloriously could catch Colin, irregardless of her wit, intelligence, sparkling eyes, and generous nature… I was so wrong and so intensely happy that Mary Balogh isn’t walking around as shortsightedly as myself. So I will reiterate… this is a love story and a glorious one at that.

*Note – Self-growth and revelations aside – no one wants to resemble Colin’s mother (Yikes) – Someone to Trust is an epiphany, a heart-warmer, a flawed thinking eraser, a feel good, XOXOXOXO must read!

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