The Leopard series is progressive – the storyline may have many a winding furlong but it is continuously building on itself. The characters are magnified in some books while taking a backseat in others – but they are always there… so, of course, I knew about Joshua. I knew his story was coming and his history of why he grew up in the Borneo rainforests instead of Louisiana, but in books past his character was more peripheral, we also know he works for Drake’s security business and is considered BA enough to take over Rafe Cordeau’s territory… and yet, I wasn’t completely sold on Joshua holding his own main character role.

In Leopard’s Blood we are introduced to Sonia immediately – instantly more amenable to reading this installment with righteous furor – then – Joshua joins Sonia on the page – doubts of him holding his leading role with verve – dismissed. Walking on the grey side of the law looks good on Joshua… however, Sonia isn’t easily convinced that her new bf’s kingpin lifestyle fits her quiet, restoration carpenter gig even though she knows their leopards are mates – enter Joshua-size rage fests, ex-husbands (who you definitely want their story told), and mayhem.

*Note – I thoroughly enjoyed Leopard’s Blood and am sufficiently contrite for my initial doubt – I had an extra shot of whiskey last night in celebration of author Christine Feehan 💙💙💙

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