Magic Mourns

Anything related to the Kate Daniels World – Wondrous! This novella has quite an in-depth storyline vacuum-packed in its tiny novella form. Getting first person POV from Kate’s bff and ashamed shifter Andrea – the bomb!! We knew Andrea and Raphael had to have their story and I’m so glad Ilona Andrews gave it to us! Andrea’s horrific childhood and Raphael’s swinger Bouda lifestyle are as different as it gets – but put these two opposites in a novella… fireworks napalm!

Magic Bleeds

Dinner for a Beast Lord… to be, or not to be, that is the question… I now know the answer but I’m not telling!! Ahhh, young love angst – will the stars (or ley lines) ever align for Curran and Kate? Magic Bleeds keeps you on a razor’s edge of suspense. The author’s wordplay is fierce – every swipe of Slayer reads like IMAX – you almost want to duck and dodge the swings! In this 4th installment to the Kate Daniels series: the reader learns some interesting Curran facts (all Beast Lord incidentals… necessary), consider whether magical Goddess apples make better pies, meet more of Kate’s lovely family, eavesdrop on an explosive Raphael and Andrea argument (didn’t see that coming), begin to consider co-names for the power couple (CurAte [too clergy], KatCur [too PetsMart comb], RanKa [no], KateRan [sounds too prophetic]…), Pack politics abound (let the backbiting commence!), and, if you are like me, you will fantasize at having Kate’s stamina – Wow – kicking A$$ 24/7!!

*Note – Cutting Edge Investigators, Inc. – Mark me (said in a royal voice), this place is going to be pivotal!

*Note – If you truly want to know how obsessed I am with this series (which I just discovered) (shame on me) – I’ve been waiting a YEAR for one of my all-time favorite authors to release her newest book – I have it in my hands – and I am waffling on whether to read it now or continue with the KD series…

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