Magic Dreams – Jim and Dali Novella

Everyone clamors for novellas about the gun-toting, magic maker and shifter warrior buds of Kate! Well… I don’t blame them – they are a favorite craving of mine too! This series is labeled The World of Kate Daniels after all – and she seems to attract the bazaar, the kooky, the dark and dangerous, diverse misfits – we want to know everything about you – posse!

Jim… A man whose every movement begins with deadly intentions and Dali… a tiny woman packed with explosive magic – Jim lives and breathes mystery… Dali lays everything on the line… This novella barely delves into an opposites attract miniseries while clearly proving size doesn’t matter (I’m convinced the author hides Power words throughout her stories #PowerWordsWork)! Magic Dreams is a fast-paced mystery adventure (someone’s life is on the line and it isn’t Dali’s😲). I hope there will be more friends with benefits novellas sprinkled over the series!

Magic Slays – Book 5

Did any reader believe that Cutting Edge, Kate’s new business venture (thank you Curran), would stay queue-less? Jobs follow Kate like shaved attack poodles. One call from a Master of the Dead regarding a runaway vampire and it’s all kung-fu fighting, sword slaying, burnt coffee armageddon! My favorite takeaway bits: some neat and not so neat things about Kate’s mom, Grendel is still vomiting, teenage daughters are a trial (sooooo already knew that), it’s definitely a good thing to have daddy’s blood, luxury cars can be a shifter’s Hot Wheels/Battleship fix, Julie’s future is starting to tap my need to know meter, straight up humans can be worse than killer aunts, and finally, I am still very much addicted to the KD World…

I hope everyone is enjoying my jaunt through The World of Kate Daniels books and novellas, a new to me series! If you would like to receive emails when I post new reviews, Subscribe Now! If you need to order Magic Dreams or Magic Slays I have added the links below. Thank you for stopping in!!