This third installment in Tanya Anne Crosby’s Daughters of Avalon series continues to enthrall its readers with mythical ease. A Winter’s Rose is Rosalynde’s story. She wishes for a champion like her eldest sister and Giles, Lord of Warkworth, may just be what the doctor grimoire ordered.

Take away thoughts and images from A Winter’s Rose: there is still (and for the foreseeable future) a black, sludgy Morwenesque stench hovering malevolently over the Daughters of Avalon, a lord with unchaste thoughts toward an unattractive nun in dire straits… and is conflicted (I would hope so!), when Rhiannon mind speaks to Run… you bloody well better shake a leg, baths are transformative, wishing to know exactly how comfortable guest beds in nunneries are…, pondering mans’ willpower (do they have willpower?), and, of course, mundane things like Morwen’s evil servant killers, bloodshed, bite marks and looming war… just another day in Crosby’s very – very – very inestimable imagination.

Today the market is flooded with Fantasy (of which I am not complaining because I LOVE the genre). What this series brings you is homage paid to medieval England and Scottish historical romance WITH a sprinkling of magic… Perfect.

*Note – Why should you be reading this series? ⬆ See above. What’s the payoff (besides the obvious)? – Fire Song and Rhiannon aren’t out yet – so it’s a series that keeps on giving! (I will add the upcoming books to my calendar of New Releases as soon as I see them pop up on Amazon) By the way, the second book is a novella and doesn’t have to be read before A Winter’s Rose, but I think it adds greatly to the overall story and hope you decide to fit it in (it is only 99cents on right now!).

I do hope you have already started Daughters of Avalon! If you haven’t, I will add all the book links below. If you would like to receive emails when I post new reviews Subscribe Now! Thank you so much for stopping in.