Reapers… Need More… Reapers
I’ll try to go into more of an explanation if my shortened review above wasn’t enough.
Let’s get right to it then… Who is Rhi’s Dragon King? Oh, shoot… I didn’t mean to write that. But seriously, who is it?! No conspiracy theories – just cold – hard – truth bombs. Who. Is. It? It should be illegal for an author to torture her fans (vis-à-vis – a literary inflicter of pain). Rhi’s DK has got to be confirmed. The Lost television series answered more questions than D. Grant! **Oh No** I’m still writing about Rhi – Fine – on to Dark Alpha’s Awakening!
First, Reaper’s Rock (Donna Grant, t-shirt business with me 💙🤞💙).
This seventh installment in the Reapers series is diabolically dark and scrumptiously satisfying (think rock climbing, rope in one hand, gooey butter cake with caramel frosting in the other) that is Dark Alpha’s Awakening. I have been looking forward to Erith and Cael’s story. Death and her Reapers are a fascinating additional series in the Dark World. I feel as though I write this a lot lately (perhaps because there are so many incredible authors living, breathing, and writing their butts off presently) but it can’t be stressed enough – when an author creates a World and does it in such a way that each branch, leaf, and stem, each character, protagonists and antagonists, each friendship and romance, every 360° black, white and grey view imprints on a reader’s mind – we truly think about the creation, swirl what-if ideas around in our minds… this is what Grant has built. This story has been writing itself for thousands of years (in Dark World time) and it was worth the wait!
*End Note – Confession: I kind of want Rhi to give Balladyn another chance – Come On! – Rhi’s his one and only. He really seems so cute and cuddly… a poet at heart really…
Thank you so much for stopping by! If you still haven’t gotten your copy of Dark Alpha’s Awakening just click on the link below. If you would like to receive emails when I post new reviews Subscribe Now!