I would begin by telling readers that Monarchs Under the Sassafras Tree is a sweeping, Southern drama – but Lord Almighty – that doesn’t even begin to conjure the backbreaking cotton fields, scorched red earth, devotion to family, to survival, social intricacies and judgment, the drought-laden penury of early twentieth-century Georgia, starvation, and forgiveness that rests between its covers.

There is an ease in Lawson’s style of writing, a quality whereby the reader is taken, transported – we are there, breathing in Georgia’s heat, skin prickles with fine-fingered dust, we are weary of Billy Rev’s revival, incensed over Harvey’s segregation, crushed with Sivvy’s impossible plight, stand in the combined shadows of O.T. and Walt… their bond beautiful, theĀ  rustling trees and music of the mountains call us – we laugh, dance, fear, and cry.

This is a novel for the ages. Lillah Lawson will be included alongside such acclaimed authors as William Faulkner, Mark Twain, and Harper Lee. Though the release date for Monarchs is very much in the present, this novel has the wherewithal to skip the test of time and critique and be placed within the hallowed shelves of classics.

Monarchs Under the Sassafras Tree is a reader’s treasure. You will read it, you will love it, and you will remember…

If you would like to purchase this title please click on the Regal House Publishing link! https://regalhousepublishing.com/product/monarchs-under-the-sassafras-tree/ If you would like to receive an email when I post new reviews, Subscribe Now! A special thank you to Lillah Lawson for the ARC of Monarchs Under the Sassafras Tree. It was a real treat to read and review and all the praise and honor you have been and will be receiving, are justly deserved.