Natural Witch Natural Mage Natural Dual-Mage
In case my opinion matters… the runaway character for the second half of DDVN, the Magical Mayhem Trilogy issssss… Ms. Bristol. Can I get an Amen?! What? Did you think I would say Penny? Penny is BA, don’t get me wrong (not Reagan BA… who is…) but Penny’s mom… yeah… my hero.
Penelope Bristol is powerful yet humble. Her character is unique from many other heroines, including Reagan, and I have enjoyed seeing her develop a subtle deadliness (low-key only when she isn’t stressed, scared, or chasing mice). She doesn’t need to be Dual to be great… her powers are impressive and as the series continues, they find a way of growing and morphing in ways the omniscient Darius could not have imagined. That being said… Dual-Mage coupleville is exactly where readers want to see Emery and Penny end up!
Fact: Breene’s characters and character interactions are pretty much gobbledygooking (yeah… I know… blame Penny, aka K. F. Breene) perfect. Fiction: The Mages’ Guild and elder vampire cliques are the baddest boy bands on the block. (Disclaimer: my opinions are subject to change chapter by chapter – but if I were to wager – my money’s on Reagan’s daddy taking the bad boy trophy). Truth: DDVN is a buffet of adversaries.
*Note – Is it weird I got hung up on the author’s use of kitty-corner (Natural Mage, p. 391)? Sooo, we say catty-corner in Oklahoma and Kansas as far as I know. Is there a regional pronunciation guide like there is for pecan (btw, it’s pah-KAHN)? I looked it up and the “recommended” version is cater-cornered (oookay). At some point in history did cat lovers unite?
*Note – I do 💙 Penny. I do! But come on!! – her wearingly weak profanity is enough to make a nun shout, “For God’s sake! Saying Da_n or S_it WILL NOT send you to H. E. Double Hockey Sticks!” (Sorry… but Amazon has a real problem with cuss words, not unlike Ms. Bristol…) If you appreciate colorful sentence enhancers like Spongebob, don’t sweat it… Reagan takes up the slack nicely🙈🙉🙊
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