I just finished Immortal Born, the 30th installment in Lynsay Sands’ Argeneau and Rogue Hunter series. It was a ho-hum, blah, blah, Immortal, blah, tediously mundane, blah, blah, blah, sleep-inducing novel… Kidding!! It’s Lynsay Sands! I gobbled it up just like it’s twenty-nine predecessors!
Allie and Magnus are a match made in Sandsy Heaven. Allie is down-to-earth, fiercely protective of loved ones, and adept at adaptation. Magnus is an old, really old, been there, done that type of Immortal. He’s also steadfast, slow to anger, and single ready to mingle. Neither have deal-breaker skeletons hiding in the closet. Sound like a yawn-fest? Oh, no, no, no! Immortal Born has all the Immortal action, bromantic, comedy scenes, girl power, Rogue takedowns, and plenty of XOXO.
*Note – Are there any scientists out there working on a capsule nano that turns back the aging clock? If so… I WANT!
I seriously ❤ the addition of new characters intermingling with the OG cast! It is such fun to find out how the Immortal newbies handle their new type of life… I mean, the perks: always 25 and healthy (cookies for breakfast, lunch, and dinner), life mates (no cheaters allowed!!), and a close-knit community where everyone knows your name (like Norm from Cheers). Downside: only one… I think by now #SandsFans know what that is… post-coital naps anyone? Well, I suppose having your thoughts broadcasted like a Public Announcement would kinda be a bummer too.
This may be the 30th book in the series but Sands keeps it fresh and exciting EVERY time. If you dilly-dallied and haven’t ordered your hard or digital copy of Immortal Born, the Amazon link is below. If you would like to receive and email when I post new reviews, Subscribe Now!