I can’t say no to this series. I reminded myself that I had a list a mile long that needed doing and I should set it aside for now, but… I’m really not good with altruistic abstinence💋 The second book in the Tidal Kiss trilogy, The Kiss That Saved Me, gives its readers all sorts of new what-the, what-thes, and plot twists (black has always been my favorite color – consider me pleased). Book 2 will open your eyes to the author’s expertly dropped plot crumbs in book 1 – shock waves!
TKTSM is about losing yourself, about losing your way, and then having the courage to change and find your way back. It sounds somewhat deep for a mermaid fantasy, but this author absolutely has her ink-stained fingers on the pulse of human nature. She recognizes that heroes and heroines don’t always just pick the right door. They sometimes get so far from the light that leading by example is on hiatus. Readers may wish to interview new candidates for the mains because there is now disappointment for their utter lack of willpower – but then (I hope anyway) that Tidal fans realize Kristy Nicolle has humanized her characters to an uncomfortable degree. Most readers use books as an escape from real life – this author throws real life in our faces and gifts any naysayer with her middle finger. Real-life is messy. Real-life men and women aren’t always strong, and they sure as $h*t don’t make perfect decisions all the time. Is this where I mention The Kiss That Saved Me is extraordinary? Okay… it’s extraordinary.
Btw – I have The Kiss That Changed Me on standby🧜♂️🧜♀️
*Note – The tequila scene… Four score and seven years ago, I too drank of this poison. And from that day to this, I am oft beleaguered by regurgitation and ponderings of past mistakes… sooo… thanks for that KN.
*Note – TKTSM has an especially off-road, path less traveled, stalagmite-laden, cave tunnel sharp turn, Tidal story… I just knew that I knew how book 2 was going to play out. If I was a racehorse, please, do not bet on me – not a sure thing… However, all is not lost, it just means Nicolle has got secret compartments up her sleeves and we are not privy to them. Yes!! Bring on the surprises… (psst… one surprise has tentacles…).
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