
I think we all believed that Phoenix’s story was right and tight… finished… consummated… finalized… concluded… destined to be remembered fondly but forever shelved on a The End aisle. I’ve never been so happy to see one of the more BA women characters ever created be taken out of mothballs and handed a couple of mouthy spirit-filled weapons! A Savage Spell takes place just a little over a year after where Rise of the Phoenix concluded (RofP is the third book in Mayer’s Nix series).

An unknown-before-now side of Nix is unveiled in this unrivaled character – Absolute Patience. If patience is a virtue then Nix is the proverbial Goddess of Time. Mayer not only continued the Phoenix series but reimagined it. Familiar faces have chosen alternate paths (*cough* he’s Irish), and new faces (including a few new family members 😮) advance what Nix fans believed to be a completed story arc.

*Note – My thoughts on the ending… “No. F#@ki*g. Way.” SM… Totes cruel!

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