
Gena Showalter takes wit and sarcasm to a level of literary excellence few author’s reach. Her characters are created with an age-old recipe that boasts untold dollops of witty ripostes and perfectly timed roasts! Rise of the Warlords is Showalter’s newest series where Harpies rule and Warlords, well, get their @$$e$ handed to them❣

Multi-gifted harpy Taliya Skyhawk, the Cold-Hearted, the Terror of All Lands (who we all know from Showalter’s insanely amazing Lords of the Underworld series), and ancient (super scary) Astra warrior Commander Alaroc “Roc” Phaethon, Giant of the Deep (etc., etc.) have the sweetest little first date, sipping tea and really getting to know one another… kidding… an Astra and a Harpy in the same throne room – it’s full-out WAR!

*Note – Though I haven’t found any info on the second Rise of the Warlords, I think I KNOW who the leading lady and the leading warlord will be. What do you all think?!

Thank you for taking the time to stop by! If you still need to order your copy of The Warlord I’ve attached an Amazon link below. If you would like to receive an email when I post new reviews, Subscribe Now!