
Helen Harper is a Goddess of the Mysterious and Fantastical while still walking a Contemporary line.


Helen Harper’s Firebrand series lacks nothing in the dark, dangerous, and dicey, but Scorched Heart gives zero flips for its readers’ sanity – fantastical mystery does not begin to describe the S-Storm Emma Bellamy wades waist-deep into when she decides to locomote her way back to her hometown – you know, that lovely town where both her parents were murdered… Unfortunately, her mini holiday/investigation is sidelined by brutal murders. Was Emma’s return an invitation to killers who enjoy murder in the countryside (… my crossbow brings all the killers to my yard and they’re like…)? As bodies start dropping suspects remain elusive, and death stalks the Detective Constable like a leopard hunting prey. Warning for fans of Firebrand: put on your phoenix gear before beginning Scorched Heart because it is fast-paced and dangerously fun!

Helen Harper is a master at creating complex characters that are equally guarded yet open, kind but deadly, and sharp-edged with a soft touch. The Firebrand series is a perfectly crafted shot of caffeinated fantasy! Enjoy!

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