If anyone was concerned — Shannon Mayer’s Fantasy Novels — are still AhhhhhMazzzzzing! Mayer’s new Alpha territories is a brilliant work of plans gone wrong and Fate smirking its fated face from the shadows! Listen, even the author’s MC alludes to Hunger Games/Selection vibes – and Sienna isn’t wrong, which makes this series so, so right for ALL! There are definitely layers of intrigue up in vampire territory, and it may take a human competing in their unholy Harvest competition to uncover the undead schemes. Sienna has goals – and they aren’t to win the heart of a monstrous, human-snubbing vampire … except … the vampire’s army General is, well, perhaps, an exception. The Alpha Territories series promises enough mystery to satisfy even the hardest core Sherlock. As always, Shannon Mayer gets all my recommendations!

Thank you for dropping by to check out Mayer’s new series! If you still need to order your copy of Taken by Fate (digital or touchy😊) I’ve attached an Amazon link below – I also attached links to the second and third book in the series, which come out in February and July 2023. If you would like to receive an email when I post new reviews, Subscribe Now!