by annegregor | Jan 9, 2023 | Book Reviews, Fantasy
Midnight Burns is the cornerstone book that ties up Annabel Chase’s triumphant, triangular Midnight Empire trio! London was the first vertex to take shape in The Tower, and then Britt the Bloody triumphed in The Restoration, adding another hard angel, until...
by annegregor | Nov 28, 2022 | Blog, Book Reviews
Kindle – When you want to travel with eighteen books at all times but your body refuses😍
by annegregor | Sep 2, 2022 | Book Reviews, Fantasy
Helen Harper is a Goddess of the Mysterious and Fantastical while still walking a Contemporary line.WWBR Kris Welcome back to Helen Harper’s Firebrand series where everyone is either a hunter or hunted, predator or prey, meek or monster, magical or mundane...
by annegregor | Aug 29, 2022 | Book Reviews, Fantasy
Listen, I’m not spreading a rumor that Mercy is part of Harry’s Wizarding World… I don’t go looking for trouble. Trouble usually finds me.”Harry Potter Prisoner of Azkaban Chapter 5 p. 75 But honestly, did Coyote know (in the Biblical...
by annegregor | Aug 26, 2022 | Book Reviews, Historical
The first novel in Sarah MacLean’s Hell’s Belles series – Bombshell – was all about the last unmarried Scandalous Talbot sister, Lady Sesily, and though her story was a glorious study in impropriety, her female crew of misfit maverick...
by annegregor | Aug 16, 2022 | Book Reviews
What could be better than the story of Kaysar the Unhinged One and Cookie the Uncrumbled (Heartless, Immortal Enemies Book 1)? Nothing. Nothing could ever be better. But there are two beings that may equal the Kaysar-Cookie duo. Enter Micah the Unwilling and Viori...