by annegregor | Feb 20, 2019 | Fantasy, Fantasy/Paranormal
5 Reasons for Showalter making my Top Picks Category: 1. had me at Underworld 2. reading a Showalter novel includes bonus ab workouts – E.g.: insta ab flex from LOL moments, abdominal clench from the high-paced thriller bits and the reduced caloric intake...
by annegregor | Jan 26, 2019 | Fantasy/Paranormal, Historical Fiction
Tanya Anne Crosby has been an author I’ve followed for over twenty years. Her Classic and Historical Romances have always been one of my feel-good go-to places. For years I stayed in the Historical Romance genre and only in the last few years gravitated more and...
by annegregor | Oct 29, 2018 | Fantasy/Paranormal
The Vivienne Savage Duo makes my Top Picks category because they should be on everyone’s one-stop shopping list – multiple genres… unforgettable characters… fairy tales… cyborg steam… mysterious potteresque universities…...
by annegregor | Jun 22, 2018 | Fantasy/Paranormal
Let me see – what have I read by Shannon Mayer? Oh right – EVERYTHING! I warn you – be cautious…really think about where your life is now, and where you want it to be. If you’ve never read Shannon Mayer (never read Shannon Mayer...
by annegregor | Jun 22, 2018 | Fantasy/Paranormal
Is there a Top Picks list anywhere in the world that doesn’t include Amanda Hocking?! I have read all of Hocking’s series, Trylle, Watersong, My Blood Approves, The Kanin Chronicles, and the newest Valkyrie. I never thought I could like any of the other...
by annegregor | Jun 22, 2018 | Fantasy/Paranormal
I have read all of Hailey Edwards’ series (Black Dog is very good!), but The Beginner’s Guide to Necromancy, The Potentate of Atlanta, and The Foundling series are so fantastic they had to make my Top Picks list! Please check out my book reviews for...