by annegregor | Jul 8, 2019 | Book Reviews, Historical Fiction
Tears by page 18… fine… I admit family reunions make me sniffle. I persevered. By page 21, I laughed out loud and groaned in embarrassment (how can the written word make a reader cringe and blush). Someone to Honor is the sixth book in the Westcott series...
by annegregor | Jan 26, 2019 | Fantasy/Paranormal, Historical Fiction
Tanya Anne Crosby has been an author I’ve followed for over twenty years. Her Classic and Historical Romances have always been one of my feel-good go-to places. For years I stayed in the Historical Romance genre and only in the last few years gravitated more and...
by annegregor | Jul 8, 2018 | Historical Fiction
Here are a few of my favorite books by Ken Follett. Click on any of the links below and get started today – this author never disappoints!! Kingsbridge Century Trilogy Stand Alone
by annegregor | Jun 22, 2018 | Historical Fiction
The Circle of Ceridwen Saga Octavia Randolph’s The Circle of Ceridwen series is an epic saga not to be missed. You will become immersed in 9th century Britain, invading Vikings, and characters who will drag you through despair, hope, war, love, and a...
by annegregor | Jun 20, 2018 | Historical Fiction
Exit Unicorns I have already reviewed this series – If you click the Book Review tab you can read why I believe this author is quite possibly the ONLY writer to stand toe to toe with Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander saga!😊 The links below will take you...
by annegregor | Jun 20, 2018 | Historical Fiction
Edward Rutherfurd takes research to a whole new level (Mount Everest level – seriously). His words transport, demand attention, and force a reaction. If you have never picked up one of his books, good Lord, do so now! Please click on the links below –...