“The Cornish Princess is not simply a romantic fantasy. There is nothing simple about it. The characters are complex and do not divulge their thoughts or purpose easily. Crosby has created a balanced, multifaceted genre, one where history’s battle cry is tangible while fingers of fable and fantasy pull and tug the unwary.

Anne Gregor

The Cornish Princess unearths the skeletal remains of bygone history, beginning with Brutus of Troy’s banishment, his landing, settling in what is now Britain, and his eventual family ties with the Princess of Cornwall. In the author’s own words, “This is NOT a romance. It is a romantic fantasy,” though I feel The Goldenchild Prophecy series is far more hybrid than that. When an author passionately researches the past while gently inserting an entirely new perspective… the words, the story, beg to be read. Crosby delves into the spread of Rome’s Red Tide while drawing on the magical legend of the Tuatha Dé Danann, with hints of Sleeping Beauty’s fairy godmothers, sprinkles of Rumpelstiltskin, traitors, mysterious murders, politics, and currents of familial relations carrying a deadly undertow of secrets. There are Druids, witches, faekind, and piskies. Battles, treaties, and takeovers. Faith, friendship, and love. As I stated earlier… The Cornish Princess is not simply a romantic fantasy.

The Goldenchild Prophesy is an adventure that builds upon itself, similar to Sarah J. Maas’ A Court of Thorn and Roses series. The Queen’s Huntsman and The Forgotten Prince continue a story of life and death, want versus need, and might opposed to right. Each book is a blazing forge — heating, bending, and altering history.

Once you pick up a Crosby genre-bending novel, your ‘settle for less’ will magically disappear.

I am rereading The Cornish Princess, The Queen’s Huntsman, and The Forgotten Prince in anticipation of the fourth and final Goldenchild installment releasing October 15, 2024 – Arise the Queen – Crosby’s epic conclusion (pre-order below). In my opinion, Arise the Queen promises to be Tanya Anne Crosby’s pièce de ré·sis·tance!

Thank you so much for stopping by! I hope everyone loves this series as much as I do. Click on any of the links below to take you directly to Amazon.com, and stay tuned for my review of Arise the Queen review!